The Month That...

March: The month that…

Hello! This year I am writing a monthly post on things that wouldn’t always warrant a full blog post. Inspired by the weekly ‘Sunday Seven’s’ devised by Nat at Threads and Bobbins  the series is a great way to share little moments by posting 7 pictures of your week and letting people know what you have been up to. As much as I enjoy reading other blogger’s Sunday Sevens I’m just not disciplined enough for weekly scheduled blogging so I am doing a monthly round up instead, just of little things that fall outside of my normal knitty posts.

So here it is, March: The month that…

We Dusted off the BBQ

Sunday the 6th March was Mother’s Day here in the UK so we invited our Mum’s over to ours for a BBQ. I know it’s not quite BBQ season yet but we couldn’t resist! Mr. A’s BBQ’s are legendary with our friends and family, he doesn’t go for the traditional sausage and burger fare, instead he makes up delicious kebabs which are cooked over coals on the mangal.


Our Mum’s really enjoyed them and we had a lovely day together 🙂

I went on a Spa Day

On the Monday after the knitting weekend in Portsmouth I had a day booked off work to go to a spa for a day of pampering with 2 of my close friends. We went to Sopwell House in St. Albans where I had a facial and a back massage. Oh it was heaven…

We even had a cheeky little glass of prosecco with our lunch 🙂

Spa Day

I Beautified March

I will do a more detailed post on this next week but I took the Beautify Your Instagram  online course run by Emily Quinton at Makelight. I am fairly new to Instagram but it’s fast becoming one of my favourite social media platforms, I love seeing other people’s photo’s and being inspired by their images and projects.

I signed up to this course after seeing Emily’s beautiful flat lay photographs, they are simply stunning. If you are on Instagram do go and have a look at @emilyquinton

Since doing the course I have been taking time every week to work on my own flat lays with the aim of building up a beautiful and inspiration gallery that I hope other knitters and crafters can enjoy.

This is one of my favourite images so far…


The project is the ‘Helix‘ two at a time toe up socks by Melissa Morgan-Oakes.

Our ‘Mikro Fraoula’ is now a ‘Megalo Fraoula’!

If you are a returning reader you may recall my post from last year about how we were adopted by a tiny kitten in Greece – Our ‘Mikro Fraoula’ (Little Strawberry). Well our little strawberry has now grown up into a big strawberry! Last week we received an update from ASAP the animal charity on Alonissos to say that he (yep, he’s definitely a boy cat – we weren’t sure before as he was so tiny) is at a shelter and is doing really well. He has been neutered and is very friendly and is being very well fed.

This is how small he was when we last saw him…he was only as big as my flip flop!


And this is him now…


Isn’t he a beauty! I can’t wait to go and see him this year…I wonder if he will recognise us?

I wish there was some way we could magic him over here, although I’m not sure Mr. Pea and Micicles would appreciate us adding another cat to the fold.


I love this picture. Mr. Pea was just chilling and watching me knit when Micicles jumped up on the table.That look says it all – 30 seconds later Mr. Pea was well and truly usurped!

Until next time! x

19 thoughts on “March: The month that…”

  1. I know nothing about Instagram – I struggle enough with Facebook and Twitter both of which I visit briefly and infrequently. But that photo of your socks is just delicious and so captured my attention I went looking for the pattern on Ravelry. I see I have to purchase a whole book which is a bit daunting as I don’t trust my ability to make socks at all but I so want to try and two at a time toe up sounds so perfect for me! But I may just bite the bullet and if I do it will be all down to your beautiful photograph 🙂

    Your Big Strawberry is looking very healthy and handsome! He is a perfect match for your other two chaps, [Chaps? I’m not sure about Micicles gender] maybe they won’t even notice if you sneak him in the back door 🙂 And poor Mr Pea, he kind of looks like he knows what is about to happen ………

    Mr A sure shows a fine hand at barbecuing – may your summer be long and hot and many a happy meal be shared with family and friends!

    1. I am on Twitter too but I really can’t get the hang of it. But I find Instagram really inspiring when I see all the lovely pictures people are posting, it’s quite addictive! This is my first attempt at two at a time toe ups and so far so good – although I may not be saying that when I get to the heels in a few rows time! The book has been a really good introduction though and I would have no hesitation in recommending it.

      Stannis is quite the boy isn’t he? It was so good to get an update on his progress. Micicles is a girl cat and she totally rules the other two – you can see by that look in her eye when she is about to cause mischief, she’s so funny!

      Thank you 🙂 I am sure there will be plenty of BBQ’s coming up this summer, I can’t wait! x

  2. oh, thank you for the kitten update, I remember that story of the little guy. you did an amazing thing saving him.

    and the socks are beautiful!

    1. Thank you 🙂 Although I have to admit not much progress has been made on the socks since that picture was taken! It was wonderful to get an update on little Stannis. I can’t wait to go and see him again this year!

  3. I enjoyed this post greatly. What a neat way to share the goings on over a month. Kitties, knitting, BBQ’s wonderful.
    I have not ventured into Instagram… I probably should based on what you shared. 🙂

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment 🙂 Oh yes you should definitely check out Instagram, warning though, it can get very addictive! If you do venture on there be sure to come and find me @jemarrowsmithknits

  4. Oooh, thanks for directing me to Emily Quinton… I’ve just lost several happy minutes looking through her blog, Instagram and Pinterest! Your own photo is stunning, I love the strong colours 😀 And it was great to get an update on Not-so-Mikro-anymore Fraoula too – he’s really looking well 😺

    1. I have to confess to getting a bit emotional when I saw the pic of Stannis. We hadn’t heard anything for a while so I was so relieved to hear he is doing well! Emily’s photo’s are just gorgeous aren’t they? She has given me lots to think about with my own pics, now I just need to find some extra hours in the day!

  5. Your photo of your socks is stunning. I think I may treat myself to that book!
    I love black cats. I had two myself, until recently, sadly only one now along with a tabby. There’s something special about the black ones though and yours look as amused to see each other as mine always did!

    1. Thank you 🙂 There are lots of lovely patterns in the book, and the 2 at a time technique is working well so far!

      Sorry to hear about your cat, I hope you can take comfort in lots of happy memories. We have a tabby cat too but she isn’t as friendly as the black cats. It’s always interesting to watch them interact and observe the cat ‘politics’!

  6. Gorgeous sock/tulip photo! Now I’m intrigued by this “flat lay” concept and must investigate. Anything to make my photos more beautiful, right? I’m afraid I get a bit lazy at times.

    1. Thank you 🙂 I was new to the whole flat lay way of doing things but it’s strangely addictive. I photograph a few at a time and then post one a day throughout the week so it doesn’t feel like too much work!

  7. I was thinking you were brave planning a BBQ in March, But then I thought you’ve as much chance of having a good BBQ day in March in the UK as any other month. And at least you’re not disappointed when it’s cold. So very smart 🙂

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