
Introducing Mr. Bakery Bear!

He’s finished!

Bakery BearMr Bakery Bear

I’m really pleased with the way he came out, he’s so cute!

The pattern is Mr. Bakery Bear by Kay Jones. It’s a great pattern,clearly written and easy to follow and full of helpful photo’s and step-by-step instructions. As someone who has never knit a toy before I’m glad I chose this one to start with.

The body is made from Cascade 220 Heathers in Sapphire, and his clothes from Sirdar Snuggly Baby Bamboo DK.

The only modification I made was to sew his eyes on instead of using beads.

I made him for my pregnant friend who is due to have a little boy in a couple of weeks but he is such a dear little thing that I’m tempted to make another one just for me!


Bears, Cowls and Pompoms!

I have had a productive knitting week so far, my lovely little Bakery Bear is coming along very nicely.


I’ve done his head, body, ears, nose and arms so just have his legs to do before I assemble him all together and make his outfit. It’s a quicker knit than I thought it would be although I am using DPN’s which can be quite fiddly on the smaller rounds (the pattern suggests using magic loop but I’m not so good at that). I’ve never made a toy before and am pleased I picked this as my first pattern as the instructions are really clear and easy to follow. Hopefully I will be able to show you the finished bear next week!

I thought I had finished my new cowl design at the weekend, I reworked the top half and blocked it but when I tried it on yesterday it still didn’t sit right.


I am happy with the lower layer as it sits really nicely at the front, but the 2nd repeat doesn’t fall naturally back on itself, so it’s back to he drawing board, I ended up ripping it back to the 18th row and I now have a new plan 🙂


And I had another set back this evening as my computer crashed. I thought I had recently saved the work I had done on the design programme I use but it turns out I hadn’t saved since Saturday night….a few choice words were uttered! Luckily I had transferred the charts over to Word as I started writing up the pattern so I can recreate them – but that’s a job for another day…

And PomPom magazine arrived yesterday! If you are unfamiliar with this publication its a quarterly magazine with gorgeous patterns, all beautifully photographed, and has some interesting articles. This quarter also features a recipe for winter cocktails – yes please!


Just look at a couple of the beautiful patterns…I think my favourite in this issue is the Art Deco inspired Turnberry by Courtney Spainhower


And this peacock feather inspired oversized scarf, Avalon Ballroom by Clare Lakewood is just too pretty for words…


My knitting wish list just got a little longer!


Podcasts and Progress

It’s thanks to my friend Vero and her brilliant podcast ‘Along the Lanes‘ that I have recently been introduced to the whole new world of knitting podcasts. Being a newbie to podcasts I found it quite overwhelming to know where to start and what to watch but luckily for me one of the lovely ATL Ravelry group members started a thread on recommendations.

So I have started watching the Bakery Bears Podcast. Hosted by husband and wife team Dan and Kay from the UK this is a fortnightly knitting podcast packed full of different features and topics. One of my favourite sections is the ‘Favourite Places to Knit’ part where they go out and about. The episodes I have seen so far have included visits to stately homes and castles – they are great at showing you round and giving the history of the places they visit, I always learn a thing or two from their adventures!

Other regular features include ‘what’s off YOUR needles?’, what’s on YOUR needles?’, ‘what’s in YOUR oven?’ and ‘what’s on YOUR stereo?’. Every week they choose someone from the Ravelry group to answer one of the questions and share the answer in the forums. I nearly fell of my chair when I was watching this week and Dan asked ‘so Jem Arrowsmith…what’s OFF your needles’!

Kay is also a very talented designer and I just adore her Bakery Bears. Here are Mr Bakery Bear and Mrs Bakery Bear.


Photo’s taken from Kay’s designer page on Ravelry.

I have ordered some yarn this week for my own Mr. Bakery Bear, this will be a present for my best friend who is due to give birth at the end of November.

I am now going back though and watching all the back episodes, I’m now on episode 10 and it’s taking quite a while as some of them are about 2 hours long, but they really are great!

I have quite a list of other podcasts that I want to watch once I am caught up with the BB’s but if anyone else has any recommendations I would love to hear from you!

This week I have also been working on my Peggy Sue by Linda Wilgus and I am now onto the cabling section at the bottom.

DSC01803 DSC01807

I’m a bit concerned with my yarn though as I am using frogged yarn from another project. I don’t know how clearly you can see it in the pictures but some of the stitches aren’t sitting as nicely as I would like in the bottom rows before the cabling. I’m hoping this will be fixed in the blocking…

I have also been working on a cowl design.


I thought I had finished it yesterday but when I tried it on it really didn’t sit right. It was twice the depth of this but I have frogged it right back to the middle and I’m going to try something else so it sits a little more snugly. I’ll let you know how it goes!

This weekend is the first in a long time where Mr. A and I have a clear diary, so I have a whole weekend of knitting planned and I can’t wait. Wooohoooo!!


Getting back into the swing of knit!

It’s fair to say that I lost my blogging mojo for a while, but I have been so inspired recently by reading other blogs and watching some brilliant knitting podcasts that I am keen to get started again. So without further ado here are some of the things that I have been working on this week!

On the Needles

I have 2 ongoing projects at the moment. The first is ‘Peggy Sue’ by Linda Wilgus. This is a free pattern on Ravelry which you can find here. I love this pattern, it’s so cute and I have quite a few 50’s style dresses that this will go perfectly with when it’s finished.


Photo by Linda Wilgus from the Peggy Sue Ravelry page.

I started this a while back and was hoping to have it finished during summer but alas it’s still on the needles. I am making good progress though and have another inch or so to go before I start on the cabling at the bottom. It’s knit from the top down and is a great project to do whilst watching tele / podcasts.

Peggy Sue

I am making it in Sirdar Snuggly Baby Bamboo which is a DK weight made up of 80% bamboo and 20% wool in light blue (shade 169).

The second project is a wrap design I am working on using a variation of the Parasol stitch pattern. The yarn is a 2 ply lace baby alpaca, silk and cashmere mix that I hand-dyed earlier in the year. The colour hasn’t come out very well in the photo though, it’s more of a greeny-jade colour.


This one requires a bit more concentration although should become easier once I have done a couple of repeats, fingers crossed!

Off the Needles

I have just one little project to share this week that I made on Monday evening. It’s my first Christmas project and it’s a little snowman 🙂 I need to refine the pattern though as I’m not happy with his twiggy arms, and I think he needs a hat.

Knitted Snowman

Knitting Goodies

It was my birthday at the weekend and I was truly spoilt with some great presents. I went out to dinner with the girls last Thursday and they presented me with 2 new books for my knitting library…

Knitting Books

Where do I start?! ;)…

I also received this this gorgeous little hand carved box that Mr A’s uncle bought back from his recent trip to Armenia. It’s filled with sweets at the moment but when they are gone it will be filled with stitch markers and little knitting things 🙂

Armenian Box

And check out my new slippers!

Bear Slippers

Other Adventures

To celebrate my birthday Mr. A took me on a wonderful day out in London on to see the Lion King. I have wanted to see the show for years and it did not disappoint. In fact I would go as far as saying it’s one of the best I have been to!

The Lion King

The costumes were amazing, in particular I loved the giraffes – that’s some serious balancing going on there!

Lion King Giraffes

We went to the afternoon show which left us plenty of time afterwards to have a mooch round the city before heading to Sarastro for dinner. Mr A told me he had heard about this restaurant by googling ‘weird places to eat in London’ and went for the place with the best reviews! It is situated in Drury Lane, right in the theatre district and as soon as you see it you know you are going somewhere a little bit different.

Sarastro OutsideDSC01549

And the inside was pretty amazing too…

Sarastro InsideSarastro Restaurant

The only way I can describe it is like walking onto a very ornate, over the top ship. Apart from the centre strip of tables, the rest of the seating was all in little booths along each side and along the top. Although there wasn’t any entertainment on the night we went it is also billed as ‘the show after the show’ as they often have live music and dancing – I can imagine it would be quite spectacular! It really was quite unlike anywhere I have ever been, and the food was top notch too!

So all in all it’s been a busy week! Mr A and I are off on another adventure this week so until next time….happy knitting! x


Along the Lanes Podcast

Last Friday night was spend in the wonderful company of my friend Vero who has recently started her own Podcast ‘Along the Lanes‘. It’s a brilliant weekly podcast – full of knitting, spinning, crafty chat and tutorials.

I was so chuffed when Vero asked if I would like to join her for an episode to sit and chat about knitting over a glass (or 2) of prosecco – and this is what happened! In the episode we talk about our yarn dying day and some of the colour names we came up with, crochet mishaps, a crazily long shawl and lot’s of other things. Plus there is the chance to win some gorgeous Skein Queen Lustrous yarn!

If you enjoy watching the podcast there is also a Ravelry Group where you can come and join in the chatter! 🙂

Happy knitting x


New Pattern! The Moon and the Sky Shawl

It’s taken me a while to share this but I’m pleased to say that my latest design The Moon and the Sky Shawl is up on Ravelry 🙂

The Moon and the Sky Shawl

This design came about after the purchase of some Theseus Lace yarn from Eden Cottage Yarns in the Steel colourway. As soon as I got my hands it’s luscious squishyness I had visions of a delicate, cobwebby shawl and I just had to drop everything else and cast on a swatch! Made up of 75% merino and 25% silk this glossy, fine laceweight yarn is a dream to knit with.

Thesus Lace YarnDSC08607

The pattern alternates between stockinette and lace panels, with the lace repeat worked over 6 stitches and 8 rows, with little size 8 beads placed with a crochet hook as you go along.

IMG_0378Lace close up

What I also love about this yarn is the way the colour varies in tone to create subtle silvery stripes in the stockinette panels…


As the finished shawl is quite large it be worn in a variety of ways.

Moon and SkyShawl as scarf

Side viewWrap

Here it is ‘in action’ when I wore it to Mr. A’s annual work conference…

IMG_0392 (2)

…and with the shoes… 😉

Moon & Sky Shoes

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Amanda at Dissemiknit for tech editing this pattern for me, and to my lovely test knitters on Ravelry who gave lots of valuable feedback and provided some great photo’s for the project page – do go and check them out!

Happy knitting x

C&G Hand Knit Textiles, knitting

C&G Hand Knit Textiles – Module 4

This module was more geared towards looking at design elements and colour theory rather than knitting.

Activity 1

The first part of the module was to collect a variety of images that explored colour. As well as using my own photo’s, magazine cuttings and postcards I also spent a good few hours searching through Pinterest to get some good images.

Colour Book 1 Colour Book 2

Activity 2 – Painting a Colour Wheel

I had to have a few goes at this to get a better contrast between the orange and red sections, although you still can’t really tell the difference in this picture!

Colour Wheel

Activities 3 and 4

Activity 3 looked at adding small amounts of black and white to a pure colour to get different tints and shades, and activity 4 was about working with 2 complimentary colours and creating a ‘colour cross’ by mixing them together little by little.

Activity 5 – Painting a range of Tertiary Colours

Tertiary Colours

Starting with 2 primary colours in each corner, a very small amount of the other colour was added to the mix and the next box was painted. The idea is that by the time you reached the middle you should have the perfect secondary colour! The exercise was also done using blue to yellow and red to blue.

Activity 6 – Torn Paper Collage

The remainder of the activities in this module were all based around a colourful picture. I chose this one:


(picture source

From this picture, a torn paper collage was produced. This activity involved accurate colour matching and looking at the size and shape of each area.

Torn paper collage

Activity 7 – Yarn Wrapping

The object was to match colours of yarn to the right hand side of the photograph and take into account the different proportions of colour. The 2nd wrapping is reversing the proportions of the colours.

Yarn Wrappings

Activity 8 – A Wrapped Frame

This was the same as activity 7 but the yarn wrappings were done for each edge of the picture.

Yarn wrapping frame

Activity 9 – A Wrapped Landscape

I made things quite tricky for myself with this one as I made some of the individual elements of the picture too small. As Fiona, my tutor, rightly pointed out it would have worked better to make some of the areas bigger and combined the colours in their respective proportions.

Yarn wrapped picture

Activity 10 – Mixing Colours in Paint to Match a Picture

Gouache was used to paint different stripe sequences based on the yarn wrappings.

Painted Stripes

These stripes were then scanned onto the computer and arranged in different pattern sequences.

Stripe sequences

Activity 11 – Colour Mixing in Knitting

Finally a chance to get the needles out and start knitting! For this part a color sampler was produced using a range of yarns in one area of the colour wheel. There was a pattern to follow for the colour sampler and different stitches and techniques were explored to show how colours can be blended and mixed together. I made my sampler in 2 separate sections to make it easier to mount.

Mixed colour knitting sample 1Mixed colour knitting sample 2

Activity 12 – Knitting Striped Patterns

Using the striped sequences from activity 10, I made a number of knitted samples using the colours from the yarn wrappings and some of the different techniques in the sampler, as well as some other techniques such as ripple stitch and dip stitch.

Knitted colour samples

From these samples, I chose 1 (the dip stitch pattern) to develop further into a resolved piece. The course states that ‘A resolved piece is a ‘high spot’ in your design experimentation. A decorative design that could be applied to a variety of craft items e.g. a print on a scarf, indentations around a ceramic pot, an embroidered or stitch pattern on a wall hanging or quilt etc.’

I experimented with the dip stitch pattern using watercolours, tissue paper and paints before making a paper collage which I then used as the basis for my final design.

Resolved piece paper collage

My resolved piece was a bright, fun design that could be used on a range of stationery items.

Resolved piece notebookResolved piece stationery items

However in hindsight I think that it would make a lovely vibrant rug!

So that was Module 4. I must admit I procrastinated with this module and it took me about a year to complete. My tutor Fiona told me last month that C&G are not allowing people to re-register on the courses now so I have until May 2017 to complete the whole course…it sounds like a long time but I have 7 and a half modules left to go – eek! The good news is I am already working on my resolved piece for module 5 🙂

Happy Knitting! x


A Day to Dye For!

I had an awesome day on Saturday courtesy of my friend Vero. Yarn dyeing is something I have wanted to try for a while but didn’t have a clue where to start, so when Vero offered to show me the ropes I jumped at the chance!

I arrived on Saturday morning with my tubs of yarn that had been pre-soaked on Friday night…

Soaking wool

…and my sample pack of Landscape yarn dyes.

2015-03-14 11.33.19

Then Vero got out her yarn dyes…

Yarn Dyes

…we couldn’t help but line them all up in colour order and stand back and admire…look at all those lovely colours to play with!

Then the fun really started 🙂 Armed with our big pots and canvases of blank yarn it was tricky to know where to start, so many possibilities lay ahead.

Yarn for Dyeing

I decided to do a solid colour first on some chunky mohair and borrowed some of Vero’s ‘Rust’ dye. In it went!

Dyeing yarn

It was a bit too bright at first for my liking so I added a touch of ‘wombat’, a dark brown colour which made it a really deep orange.

Next into the pot was some 2 ply lace yarn. I had visions of a duck egg blue for this one but it came out more turquoise…I have a pretty beaded shawl in mind for this one.

Dyeing lace yarn

After 2 solid dyes I was ready for a bit of experimenting with colour grading. Here is an action shot of some chunky baby alpaca using the leftover wombat colour.

Dip dyeing

I also had a little bit of undyed cashmere in my stash so I treated that one to a dye bath of 3 colours.

Dyeing Cashmere

Next up was 2 skeins of superwash merino. I decided to do these both the same colour with the vision of making a small short sleeve cardigan (if I have enough) I used a whole sample pot of the ‘Lichen’ dye but when I put the yarn in I resisted the urge to swash everything about so that it would have different depths of colour. I’m really pleased with the way this came out.

Merino dyeing

Last up I had a little ball of silk. And here I must apologise profusely to Vero as I rather overestimated the amount of dye I would need for such a small amount of yarn. It dawned on me this morning that in my wisdom when I decided to weigh the yarn and calculate the amount of dye required I didn’t take into account that said yarn was very wet! Hence we had enough Plum dye going to have redyed our whole days efforts twice over, oops! As it turned out Vero had to raid some more of her stash to plop into the dye bath. I do hope she will forgive me for my rookie error, I’m hoping the fact that it is a very very lovely colour will make up for it!!

As well as the abundance of plum yarn Vero also dyed some beautiful blue and green yarns that she is going to crochet into a blanket.

Dyed yarn drying

And some lovely dusky pinks and purples

Dyed yarn

All in all it was a fantastic day, I learnt tons in great company and I really hope we can do some more soon! Now I just need to decide what to make with it all….

2015-03-14 18.40.26


Beads, trains and sea sparkle!

March and April are turning out to be crazy months where the social diary has exploded and we have something on every weekend now until the first weekend in May! Whilst that means we have lots of fun things to look forward to it does mean that I am going to need to squeeze in extra knitting time during the week to keep on track with my C&G course. I have made great progress on module 5 so far and next up is beading samples.


Last weekend was spent by the seaside visiting my friend, it was the first weekend this year when it really felt like Spring was on it’s way. Just look at that blue sky!


Worthing Pier

Work is also seeing me travel to London a bit more frequently so in order to stay on track I have started making samples on the commute.

Train Knitting

This coming weekend is one that I have been particularly looking forward to as I am getting together with my friend I met at knitting group to take my first steps in yarn dyeing! I have lots of lovely undyed yarn and a sample kit of dyes from Wingham Wool Work in the Mountain Colour range.

Undyed Yarn

I can’t wait to see what colours these skeins become. To get inspired I have been looking through my postcard box and Pinterest to see what combinations catch my eye. Here are a few of my favourites.

Watercolour Painting - Sunset Storm Seascape

This watercolor painting “Tormenta” is an original watercolour painting by professional Artist Brazen Edwards. Photo taken from Pinterest

Succulent Gradient

Photo from Pinterest

Beach sun

Sea sparkle! Photo from Pinterest

I had better stop there otherwise I will be here for hours!! I’ll let you know how it all goes next week…

knitting, Sunday Stitches

Sunday Stitches – Moorish Lattice and Ridge Feather Stitch

The samples I have been working on this week are the mock cable effect Moorish Lattice stitch taken from the Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara Walker and the Ridge Feather Stitch from the Stitch Library by Claire Crompton.

Moorish Lattice Stitch


Worked over a multiple of 6 sts + 5.

The sample shown is worked over 35 sts.

Rows 1 – 4: Knit
Row 5: K4 [p3, k3] 5 times, k1 (35 sts)
Row 6: K1 [p3, k3] 5 times, p3, k1 (35 sts)
Row 7: Repeat row 5
Row 8: K1 [p3, sl2-k1-psso] 5 times, p3, k1 (25 sts)
Row 9: K4 [p1, k3] 5 times, k1 (25 sts)
Row 10: K1 [p3, (k1, yo, k1) in next st] 5 times, p3, k1 (35 sts)
Row 11: Repeat row 5
Row 12: Repeat row 6
Row 13: Repeat row 5
Row 14: K2, p2tog [k1, (k1, yo, k1) in next st, k1, p3tog] 4 times, k1, (k1, yo, k1) in next st, k1, p2tog, k2 (35 sts)
Row 15:  Repeat row 6
Row 16: Repeat row 5
Row 17: Repeat row 6
Row 18: K1 [sl2-k1-psso, p3] 5 times, sl2-k1-psso, k1 (23 sts)
Row 19: K1 [p1, k3] 5 times, p1, k1 (23 sts)
Row 20: K1 [(k1, yo, k1) in next st, p3] 5 times, (k1, yo, k1) in next st, k1 (35 sts)
Row 21: Repeat row 5
Row 22: Repeat row 6
Row 23: Repeat row 5
Row 24: K2, knit into the front and back of next st [k1, p3tog, k1, (k1, yo, k1) in next st] 4 times, k1, p3tog, k1, knit into the front and back of the next st, k2 (35 sts)

Repeat rows 5 – 24

Ridge Feather Stitch


Worked over a multiple of 11 sts

The sample shown is worked over 33 sts.

Rows 1 – 4: Knit
Row 5: Knit
Row 6: Purl
Row 7: [P2tog twice, (yo, k1) 3 times, yo, p2tog twice] 3 times
Row 8: Purl

Repeat rows 5 – 8

Stitch Abbrevaitions

k– Knit
p – Purl
yo – Wrap the working yarn over the right needle, from front to back (counter-clockwise)
Sl2-k1-psso – Slip 2 sts together, k1, pass slipped stitches over (2 sts decreased)
p2tog – Purl 2 stitches together

Happy knitting! x