
Whipping up the WIP’s

With knitting I used to be very much in the mindframe of ‘I’ve started it so I’ll finish’ but recently I have realised the merits of having a number of projects on the needles…

Grab and Go Knitting

Ever since I made my first pair of aran weight socks in January I have been addicted. The pattern is easy to follow and because they are made in aran weight yarn they are quick to whip up! Now I am familiar with the pattern this has become a firm favorite for travel and conversational knitting. The current socks are being made in Old Maiden Aunt yarn in the Hebridean colourway. Here is sock 1 of 2…

Aran sock

I started this sock on a work trip to Manchester a couple of weeks ago. I was on the train for about 3 hours and during that time I managed to drink a hot chocolate and eat a kit kat and a bag of malteasers…it was totally the yarns fault you understand!

And hot on the heels (if you’ll excused the pun…) is 2 of 2…

Aran sock no 2

I’m working few days in London next week so this will be coming with me 🙂

The YouTube / Podcast Knitting

I like to have a project on the kitchen table that I can pick up when watching catch up TV or my favourite YouTube podcasts. Currently on the needles is this super cute Kitty Cushion by the super talented textile designer Nicky Barfoot.

Kitty Cushion

I started the back this weekend…


Tele / Film Knitting

This project lives on the sofa and a few rows are done each night whilst watching the box with Mr. A. These are the Helix socks from the ‘Two at a Time Toe Up socks’ book by Melissa Morgan-Oakes.

Helix Socks

They are coming on nicely now – although I did have to rip back a few inches after I forgot to do the gusset increases…oopsy!

The Do Not Disturb Knitting

These are the projects that require the concentration. Lately I have been working on a new design, it started as my final piece for the C&G course module 5, but after talking to my tutor on the weekend away in March I realised I hadn’t fulfilled the design brief properly so I need to re-start it. But this design wouldn’t leave me be so I just had to finish it!

Another Story

I finished making it last weekend and now it is blocked. I just love the difference blocking can make to lace knitting, it really opens it out beautifully.

Another Story Lace

I’m nearly done with writing up the pattern now, then it will go for tech editing and test knitting 🙂

The Long Term WIP

Is the C&G course…I really need to get module 5 under my belt now, it’s been over a year! I have set aside some time next weekend to crack on and work on my final design. Wish me luck!

So what about you, how many WIP’s do you have? Do you have different projects for different knitting occasions?


24 thoughts on “Whipping up the WIP’s”

  1. Okay – One: I love everything about those two at a time, toe up socks. I may have to bite the bullet and purchase that book! [It’s on my bookstore wish list] I just don’t quite know if I have it in me to succeed at the task…. what is the yarn you are using here, it is just lovely!

    Two: Your new shawl design looks an interesting juxtaposition of patterns, the lace part is just beautiful and reminds me I have yet to knit up your second design which I purchased sometime last year 😦

    Three: your photographs are beautifully styled – and most inspiring. I love looking at them!!

    Four: I’m sticking to my one yarn project at a time – I’d love to have several on the go, but my brain wouldn’t cope – I’m envious of your ability.

    Oh, and five, I forgot to respond to your comment about the celadon yarn you purchased – it’s another gorgeous colour yes? Such a great sale, well done for not going too bonkers 🙂

    1. Oh yes I would recommend the 2 at a time book, there are some lovely patterns in it and it’s a handy method to know! The yarn is from Rosies Moments on Etsy, the greens aren’t usually my colours but I thought I’d live dangerously 😉 Thanks for your kind comments re the design and photographs, the Instagram course is paying off 😄 and thanks for introducing me to that yarn site, I can see that one becoming a favourite for future purchases!

  2. I agree with Pauline about your photos – they’re lovely and inspiring, particularly the 2 at a time socks. The colour sings spring! I was just saying to my husband today that I have to give socks another try. I’m a sock fiend but I have trouble knitting them but I like the sound of making a pair in an Aran weight, something that clips along at a good pace. My current WIP is a simple, simple garter stitch project because I’ve lost my knitting groove so I’m doing something to get it back. Wonderful post. You’re a crazy-good knitter!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment! I don’t usually knit with such bright colours but I’m loving the way they are turning out 😄 The Aran socks are great, they knit up in no time and are super cosy to wear. I hope you get your knitting groove back soon!

  3. Lovely photos and fantastic WIPs girl!! I generally feel comfortable with 3 to 5 WIPs at a time… There’s usually at least one sweater, one short/small project (like a headband or socks) and one bigger/long term project (like a dress or a blanket). The rest comes and goes with the mood and the season 🙂

  4. Well, I only have three WIPs right now, but I plan on starting two more tomorrow and will be into a spinning project by the end of the week. Like you I have simple mindless knitting (mitts at the moment), serious stay-at-home knitting (a charted two color mitt), television knitting (garter and lace shawl), and a project that is hibernating right now (winter sweater). I’m so in love with little carry-along project bags that I’m making separate ones for the simple projects. 🙂

    1. Ooh a spinning project too, is that with a wheel or a drop spindle? I’ve only just dipped my toe into the world of spinning but I plan to do more in the near future. And you make your own project bags too?! You are a lady of many talents 🙂

      1. I have a spinning wheel. 🙂 I really love the process, and it’s a good break from knitting.

        About the project bags: right now I have fabric and instructions I found on the internet. I am hopeful!! They are too expensive for me to buy as many as I want. 🙂

  5. Oh, amazing! I especially love your “do not disturb” project… Your design looks awesome! Beastie knitting takes up most of my time – they’re so portable I can take them anywhere, so it’s hard to resist – but I have a couple of “treat” projects for myself on the go too 😀

  6. Love your wips and your photography! So great! 🙂
    Right now I’m knitting on a deadline so my wips are my Hermione’s socks that don’t leave from the construction place, a cardigan for a dear friend that I must finish by Friday, and a couple of other projects that are hibernating. I want to have a crochet project aside (another blanket maybe?) but my head is spinning lately and I try to make wise and doable knitting decisions.

    1. σε ευχαριστώ πολύ Zeta! With your major house project happening it’s a wonder that you find time to knit at all! Good luck with getting the cardigan finished this week, I hope you will post some pictures when it’s done 😉

  7. What a great collection! I am in awe of you being able to knit two socks at the same time! Your course must be a great challenge, I must admit I am tempted by the idea!

    Like you I have different projects depending on what I am doing, I have sewing in the sewing room, crochet or embroidery while watching TV, and art work in the study! I don’t tend to travel by train, but might just take some knitting next time.

    1. Thank you 🙂 This is my first pair of two at a time socks so it’s a big learning curve but luckily the book explains everything step by step, so as long as I remember to read all of the instructions (and not miss the part about gusset increases!) then hopefully they will turn out ok! It sounds like you have a lot of varied projects on the go, I would love to be able to sew but that’s a rabbit hole I’m not going to venture down….just yet! 😉

  8. Just like you, I have lots of different projects on the go for different occasion. I’ve never knitted socks in Aran. What size needle do you knit them on? I feel I’d be tempted to go down a size needle and up a size sock to make the stitches look smaller.

    1. Aran socks were the first sock pattern I made, this will be my 4th pair so I’m not used to making socks on smaller needles yet. I use 4mm needles so they do turn out quite chunky, but I just love making them!

  9. All your WIPs are so lovely, and you photograph them so well! I currently have six WIPs, but really only three are ones I’m working on right now. I guess the others are hibernating for now. I’m lacking an On the Go project at the moment, so that’ll be my next cast-on.

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